CBD – a new miracle cure also against nicotine addiction?

CBD is currently on everyone’s lips as a medicinal miracle preparation and hip consumption trend from the USA.

But what exactly is this CBD all about? Why does the media seem to be overwhelmed with new reports almost every day? And why are there now more and more CBD products to buy in Germany?

A main argument for the current boom around CBD is certainly its far-reaching medical potential. As a natural preparation, CBD often seems to work where traditional medicine reaches its pharmacological limits. Quite apart from the usually much more extensive side effects of alternative chemical drugs.

CBD – an old wonder drug rediscovered
Hemp has been used for centuries, in many cultures around the world, not only as an intoxicant, but also as an effective drug with great healing success for a wide variety of diseases. CBD is a non- (or hardly) psychoactive cannabinoid from the cannabis plant.

Academic interest in the therapeutic use of CBD dates back to 1987, when scientists from Saint Louis University in Missouri in the USA first demonstrated that cannabinoids had far-reaching effects on the body via the body’s own receptors, the so-called endocannabinoid system Have health. The body’s own endocannabinoid system is therefore used to regulate numerous psychological and physiological processes and thus has an influence on the immune system, pain perception, emotions and affects as well as the regulation of appetite, sleep and body temperature, among other things.

These comprehensive functions made it clear for the first time what far-reaching effect CBD could also have on the genesis of illness and on our physical and psychological well-being in general.

Since its first discovery in 1987, the active ingredient CBD has in recent years been regularly attributed new medicinal properties such as anti-anxiety, calming, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant and even antipsychotic effects through numerous studies.

CBD can reduce the autoimmune inflammatory processes in diabetes and be therapeutically helpful in epilepsy. CBD increases the quality of life of Parkinson’s patients by significantly reducing the pathological symptoms, inhibits excessive appetite in the case of eating disorders and obesity and can ensure calmer, deeper and more restful sleep in the case of sleep disorders. CBD also shows far-reaching therapeutic potential for anxiety, depression, nervousness and social phobias.

These promising possible applications have helped trigger the boom in CBD mentioned at the beginning and have led to the fact that CBD preparations are now available in a wide variety of forms on the German market. CBD is now available in the form of tablets, powder, crystals, oil and also for vaping.

With CBD against the desire to smoke
Unfortunately, the e-cigarette is still not officially recognized as a therapeutic agent for smoking cessation. Nevertheless, the e-cigarette is already a welcome aid for many active smokers to get away from the old vice for the good of health or at least to reduce it noticeably.

Millions of former smokers worldwide have already been able to successfully switch to the, according to current knowledge, undoubtedly healthier, electronic alternative to tobacco consumption.

And this encouraging trend could now continue – also thanks to CBD – even more intensely.

After all, empirical evidence suggests that CBD can also significantly reduce nicotine addiction and the associated desire to smoke in active smokers.

A current study by University College London comes to the conclusion that the parallel consumption of CBD, among other things through the regulation of the dopamine system, significantly inhibits the nicotine craving of smokers. In the study, this resulted in a significant reduction in cigarette consumption by up to 40 percent.

This is one of the reasons why numerous new CBD products, mostly in the form of liquids, are currently coming onto the market for e-cigarettes.

Therefore, we are now very pleased about the current scientific findings on the subject of CBD and its promising potential in the wider context of smoking cessation.